Detailed and Accurate Self-Reflection is essential to being an Elite Athlete, but so many athletes are missing out on this important learning opportunity – instead, their reflections sound like “I don’t know…” or “Good we won…”

Here are 3 proven ways ? to improve the car ride home and the self-reflection process:

1 – It’s Non-Negotiable

“I don’t know” is NOT ❌ an option. If you are unsure – then guess!! You can not become self-aware if you are not self-reflecting. So you might struggle to reflect effectively at first, but if you don’t try you won’t improve and this will really limit both your improvement as an athlete and your mindset! If you want to be an elite athlete then I believe it is UNACCEPTABLE to not engage in reflection

2 – Be Accurate ?

Don’t be too hard on yourself, but also, don’t be too easy on yourself. Instead, accurately reflect on the things you did well and the things you can work on. Parents – this is where your job can be tough. Probe, ask questions and be patient – your job is to help them become more accurate – if you just tell them what they did wrong then they are not learning how to accurately self-reflect.

3- Be Detailed & Specific ?

Ask specific questions and encourage detailed responses with examples. Vague statements like “it was good” don’t optimize the learning experience. Instead, you want to give detailed examples of what you did well (positively reinforcing these) and what you could work on.

If you are interested in learning more – we do offer our CEP Mastermind Program (Clike Here to Learn More) mastermind program that includes a weekly parent call that elaborates on tips like this one and you can ask questions directly with me.